Monday, 22 September 2008


Well I decided that rather than barrage people with long drawn out e-mails of my time in indonesia it would be easier for me to be a little more up to date and write a blog. The basic logic is that hopefully people can read this if they want to rather than be permentantly sending my e-mails to the deleted folder. I would however really appreciate e-mails, letters, parcels, texts and visits!

I’ll try not to make the whole thing too self indulgent but then again it is a blog so surely that is their purpose? Feel free to leave comments but on the whole please send messgaes direct to me.

Hopefully this should be updated fairly regularly however this will vary and probably dip much more when I get to Rote. Incidently it is know as Rote or Roti by most folk (apparently) however I guess the pun doesn’t really work if it’s the other spelling.

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Permador said...
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